(Image Credit: Migue Leon)
As an internationally known male fashion model and influencer, Cory Paul Martin has always been at the forefront of style and trends. With a strong social media following and a successful career, he was no stranger to the world of branding, marketing and public relations. However, it wasn't until Cory decided to branch out on his own that he truly began making a name for himself as an entrepreneur.
Cory began his journey as a model at a young age, quickly rising to high levels of success and recognition, as he collaborated with multiple A-list brands and highly sought-after photographers in various international markets; He is represented by powerhouses such as New Icon in New York and Contempo Models in Mexico City. As his modeling career took off, Cory also started to build a presence on social media, sharing his fashion insights, travel adventures and personal style with his followers.
But Cory Paul Martin knew that he wanted to do more. He wanted to use his platform and expertise, along with his natural ability to identify trends to help other brands succeed. And so he recently founded CPM Agency, which focuses on helping influencers, luxury, travel, fashion and lifestyle brands reach their target audiences through innovative marketing strategies in partnership with one of the world´s leading boutique strategy and communications firms: The Eclectic Agency.
Cory has quickly made a name for himself as a master connector and visionary marketing expert, using his unique perspective as a fashion model and influencer to help brands stand out in a crowded market. Throughout 2022 Cory was instrumental in the development of highly successful campaigns for a variety of clients, ranging from small start-ups to established fashion houses.
As a male fashion model and influencer turned marketing entrepreneur, Cory Paul Martin has proven that it's possible to achieve success in multiple fields and make a positive impact on the world.
Cory recently granted The Influential a special interview; Here´s what he shared:
Most people know you as an iconic model and international influencer, but you are also an entrepreneur. What can you tell us about your passion for connecting brands, companies and individuals and helping them find the right solutions for their marketing needs?
Since high school I’ve been connecting people together. As a young person I always wanted the wonderful friends in my life to interact with one another. I can literally rub elbows with anyone and find a common interest. The diversity of people I have met and continue to meet along my life’s journey has made my contacts unique in a variety ways. Enviably I meet someone who might ask me for a solution to their need or idea and due to my ability to engage with a plethora of people I’m able to almost always find someone to help make their plan take shape. I enjoy that feeling of helping my friends see their dream come to fruition and their success become a reality.

(Image Credit: Jordan Braun)
What have been some of your most rewarding professional experiences to date? Please share with our readers some of the big breakthrough moments of your career.
The ability to participate in major shoots at exotic locations has been a tremendously fulfilling part of my career. I believe this learning process has enabled me to become better all my endeavors. Igniting what I absorb through my work helps assist me with how I communicate cross culturally. The tools I gain from immersing myself in the experiences from my work coupled with traveling to sets abroad directly relate to my brand perception. Thus, I have a deeper understanding of all the elements that actually go into creating a successful formula that can resonate with any particular audience.

(Image Credit: Richard Guaty)
As an avid world traveler, would you say you have developed a special sense of appreciation for other places and cultures? What are some of your favorite getaway destinations and why?
My travel experiences have truly been my classroom of life. When considering my trips, I enjoy going to places that peak my interest and expose me to new cultural worldliness. A place very close to my heart is Tulum. While in Tulum, where I lived for over a year, I became immersed in the rich Mexican culture. I find an inner peace in Tulum that feels like home to me. My time in Tulum is not on a strict schedule which allows me to relax and take each moment fully present and with ease. In addition, I have always been drawn to Italy, in particular Portofino. The calm quaint village brings out the renaissance man in me. Portofino is so chic and every moment there feels like I’m in a Vogue fashion shoot. I do have a feeling almost everywhere I travel to suddenly think; I should live here but I know that the next place I will feel the same feelings so I try not to take it so seriously. In essence if I couldn’t travel I think I would go stir crazy as I am always eager to learn something new, taste something new and meet someone new. Exploring is just in my blood.

(Image Credit: Mai Medina)
As the fashion world continues to evolve, have you identified any new trends that you believe will become dominating in the months and years to come, that perhaps still have not been fully recognized by the mainstream?
Fashion trends obviously change every season, but there are some that never die. I try not to fall under the trend category because in fashion some things are tried, tested and true. One observation I think will be in the future is the need for everyone to return to glamour. After the big casual Covid conversion into being comfortable, I think most of us in the industry want to see high fashion come back on the runways and stay. A return to elegance is how I feel the fashion world will lean forward. We all had our moment of not making an effort, but now it is time to get back to show stopping looks that are chic’er than chic. On trend for me are looks that showcase not only your personality but also make heads turn; the swivel effect.

(Image Credit: Victoria Cooper)
What are some of the projects that you are currently working on? What can the fans and followers of Cory Paul Martin expect in 2023?
My future projects staples are still mainly connecting or rebranding labels, magazine covers and business start ups; however, the CPM agency will be my new baby. I have long wanted to create an agency that not only set the tone per my work ethos, but also one that incorporates a well rounded full boutique style atmosphere but on a global level. By this, the CPM agency would be one where the clients are not only working with us in a business manner but also have a close relationship with the agency more like a family. CPM will be the type of agency that is much like the way in which I have conducted my connections throughout my life but on a much larger platform. With my wide net of clients, coupled with my zest for meeting others; CPM will be able to address everyone’s needs within the industry and beyond the scope of other agencies that brands have known in the past thanks to its strategic partnership with one of the world´s most successful communications strategy firms, which I have been partnering with for a while now. As for my future, it is looking extremely bright. I strive to always do my best for my clients, friends and myself. I intend on letting this mantra ring true for my life. I often get asked what do I do. To put one label on me is very difficult as I am a Jack of All Trades. Inevitably the question comes up, “What do you do Cory?”, I reply “I do my best!”.
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