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How Bassel Alhamra Excels in Dubai’s Real Estate Market

How Bassel Alhamra Excels in Dubai’s Real Estate Market

The Dubai real estate market is known worldwide for its rapid growth and constantly changing landscape. What was once largely undeveloped desert is now a metropolis filled with towering skyscrapers and ambitious development projects. However, the breakneck pace of change also means it can be an incredibly difficult market to find lasting success. One man who has achieved just that through focus on relationships and an entrepreneurial spirit is Bassel Alhamra, a well-known real estate consultant based in Dubai.

Starting From Scratch

Bassel first arrived in Dubai just four short years ago with no existing network or experience in the local market. However, from day one he was laser focused on building the connections that would lead to long term prosperity. "My target was to meet at least two new people every day, whether I could get any immediate benefit or not," he recalls. This relentless focus on expanding his circle paid off, with referrals and repeat business now forming the backbone of his business.

While many struggle to gain their footing in an unfamiliar place, Bassel drew on experiences from a lifelong habit of entrepreneurship that began back in his native Lebanon at a young age. There, out of necessity, he took on jobs in numerous industries from farming and construction to event planning. "I wanted to succeed and have the means to achieve my goals, so I did whatever would make me money without relying on my parents," he notes. This ingrained self-reliance served him well upon arriving in Dubai.

Trust Through Transparency

With the foundation of his network in place, Bassel says the key to his ongoing success has been putting clients' interests ahead of his own. "My main focus is always on the benefits for the customer. I don't even look at how much commission I'll earn until after closing," he asserts. This singular dedication to transparency has earned him the trust of a loyal repeat client base. In fact, 80% of Bassel's substantial $100-120 million annual sales volume comes from existing customers, a rare feat in an industry where most business is one-time transactions.

He emphasizes, "In valuation, independence and credibility are paramount. Buyers and sellers need to know you have no conflicts of interest." It's an approach that has served him - and his clients - extremely well.

Creating Entrepreneurial Mindset

Bassel credits much of his success to an entrepreneurial spirit cultivated from a young age through various self-starting ventures. In his teens, he rented farmland and oversaw olive and pomegranate harvesting operations. "I wanted to achieve my big goals and not rely on others," he notes. This persisted when he arrived in Dubai, taking just two days to begin actively prospecting for his real estate career despite having no prior experience or local contacts.

Now at only 27 years old, Bassel is already a well-known consultant with a diverse international client base. However, he remains eager to learn and isn't afraid to try unconventional strategies. Where some might play it safe, his motto is to "take action first and figure it out later." As he explains, "If it fails, at least I'll know why and how to make it work next time. Failing young is better than waiting until it's too late." It's an optimistic approach that has served him well so far.

Prioritizing People Above Profits

Despite his success, Bassel stresses the importance of ongoing self-improvement and maintaining close relationships. He recalls how crucial the coaching of his brother was early on to help transform him from his shy introverted nature into a more outgoing communicator. Now, he seeks to pay it forward by mentoring newcomers. "Surround yourself with great people - the strength of any company lies in its team," he advises.

Bassel also makes a conscious effort to stay top of mind among his expansive network through consistent small gestures. "I try to keep in touch, even if just a birthday or holiday message. That way when an opportunity does come up, they'll remember me," he says. Beyond sales, he enjoys real estate as a way to actively boost others' fortunes as well.

By prioritizing relationships and an entrepreneurial spirit over short term gains, Bassel has found a formula for ongoing success in one of the world's most competitive real estate environments. Though still early in his career, he has aspirations for expansion. For now, Bassel remains focused on maintaining his high touch service model while continuing to learn. With his constant drive to improve and dedication to those around him, his potential appears limitless.

To learn more about Bassel Alhamra, visit his website here.

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